Exciting Times!

I’m very excited to be able to announce that I now have a publication date – 26 March – for my second poetry collection, LifeTimes. I also have a cover!

This reflects the theme of the collection, which is about human life: its phases, from birth, through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and middle age to the final years and beyond; and its pivotal moments: the shifts and connections between one phase and another, and the events that can change its course irrevocably. You can read more on the Maytree Press website: https://maytreepress.co.uk/2022/02/22/maytree-34-cover-reveal/

The first chance to hear some poems from LifeTimes will be at Honley Library at 7pm on Wednesday 9 March, at a joint event I’ll be doing with fellow Maytree poet Anne Steward and travel writer Anne Rothwell (though I won’t have physical copies of the book by then). Watch this space for information on further events.

Finally, in other news, I’m delighted to have two poems in the current edition of Up! magazine – which you can download from their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/766852790660054

Your piece here

It’s been a little while since I’ve hosted anyone else’s work here, so I thought it was time for one of my periodic calls for guest pieces.

If you would like to share a poem, a piece of flash fiction (up to 500 words) or an extract from a novel (again, up to 500 words) on this page, send me an e-mail to tim.e.taylor@talk21.com.

I prefer to avoid explicitly promotional posts, but of course you should also provide the readers with some information (preferably in the 3rd person) about yourself and your work, and let them know of any recent publications and/or forthcoming events (up to a further 200 words). Links to websites, bookshops and social media are also welcome. Finally, it would be good if you could provide a picture to accompany the piece – could be an image that illustrates it, a book cover, or a picture of you.

I’m happy to host up two two guest pieces a month, alternating with my own. First come, first served. I look forward to hearing from you!