A Seasonal Sonnet

For my last post of 2023 I thought I’d share this sonnet. Much as it can be so disruptive, I still retain some remnant of my childhood love of snow. After week upon week of rain, rain, rain, I’m probably feeling a bit nostalgic for it! 

Very best wishes for 2024, everyone!

Winter Hills

The hills look naked in this winter light.
There are no trees, no flowers; even grass
is thin like old men’s hair. The birds took flight
some weeks ago for warmer lands, en masse.
The ground itself is scarred with peaty sores.
The sheep that might have come here in the spring
have long ago deserted these cold moors,
a wilderness devoid of anything
that might give comfort to human or beast.
I’ve seen enough. I should be going now
and yet, the kindly clouds are keen to help, at least
– they do the only thing that they know how.
I leave, but glad to see before I go
the hills clothed in the glory that is snow.

Christmas Card Friends

Gosh, its the 23rd of December and I haven’t posted anything remotely festive yet! Time to dig out an old poem. This, I think, is the only one of mine that actually mentions the C word.

Wishing all my friends and readers a wonderful Christmas and happy, successful 2024!

Christmas Card Friends

Do my words hang in corners
by snow-covered trees
and the unremarked faces of angels?
Do you look for my messages,
old secrets gift-wrapped in rhyme?

I choose pictures with meanings
and couplets that recast the spell.
I send you magic:
you send me ‘Joyeux Noel’.

I share the same greeting
with old friends from school
whom you pass in the street without knowing
yet my lips touch the rubber-stamped
crosses that never touched yours.

Long ago, we were lovers;
for me, even old love transcends
the dead sheets of paper
that pass between Christmas card friends.

Winter Sale

For the festive season, I’ve decided to reduce the price of my two poetry collections, LifeTimes and Sea Without a Shore (normally £7 and £6). Until the end of January they will be £5 each or £8 for both (plus £2.25 P&P per book in the UK). Email me on tim.e.taylor@talk21.com if you’d like any copies.

The same deal also applies to my novels Zeus of Ithome and Revolution Day – £5 each or £8 for both (plus P&P). Or you can have all four for £15!